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+|- International; Virtual Festival of the Arts

We are working with the Patchogue Arts Council once again to bring you the

+|- International; Virtual Festival of the Arts in Q-tine

a virtual Universal celebration of the arts produced and shared while in quarantine.

Working with Co-curators around the world representing USA, Mexico, Russia, Romania, Norway, Poland, and Chile, PAC•MoCA L.I. is connecting artists from creative pockets across the globe and presenting their work for the masses to experience during one of the most unifying events of this millennia.

What is happening is not just on a local or even a national sphere, but a global one that transcends any borders, language, or culture. We are forever connected by this shared experience.

Art, ingenuity, and creativity are responsible for everything around us from the utensils we use to cook with to the cell phones we can’t live without. It’s easy to forget that creative thinking and an artist in some form are at the heart of it all, but right now, art is what everyone can turn to first.

The Arts provide an escape, relief, and hope. It’s at times like this we are reminded just how important they are.

Where can the +|- International; Virtual Festival of the Arts in Q-tine be viewed:

(also on PAC/BOA Instagram)

Patchogue Arts Council

Blue Owl Arts



Visual Arts | Performance | Music | Dance | Poetry & Literature

Deadline: Rolling submissions until further notice.

Artists of ALL media, Galleries, Museums, Theaters, and Performance Spaces are welcome to submit and participate. If you represent an exhibition venue, please consider putting together a virtual visit to share.


Please send the following via email only


Name / Preferred Stage Name

Town, Country

Medium / Genre

• 3 -5 Images of your work (jpegs, 72 dpi with a max of1500 and 2500 pixels wide) (Non-VA artists this will be used for our website /social media fewer images are ok)

• Short artist bio/statement

• Links to more information; Website | FB | IG

All performance based artist please include;

· A video of you / your band performing an original song / reading or performance

Visual Artists;

· A video of your studio or working space; max 15 minutes (this will be part of our studio tour archive) *optional but encouraged

Artists must submit all of the above for a complete submission to be posted.

Due to high volume, we may not be able to notify you if your submission is incomplete. Please review before sending.


Name of Gallery / Organization / Space; as you would like it listed

Town, Country


• 3 -5 Images representing work/performance/space ( (jpegs, 72 dpi with a max of1500 and 2500 pixels wide)

• Statement about your organization and mission

• Logo

• Links to more information; Website | FB | IG

• *A video of your studio or working space; max 15 minutes (this will be part of our studio tour archive)

*Optional but encouraged

Please submit all of the above for a complete submission.


Submissions will be posted on the platforms below:

Archive of submissions in mini galleries on our website:

Studio visits and virtual tours will also be archived on our



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