Virtual Arts Programs & more
I have been working with the Patchogue Arts Council (PAC), as a program & media consultant, where we have been producing some virtual programs for artists & art lovers.
You can head over to their website to see what's going on.
Firstly we had a virtual program called "PAChats" (Professional Artists Chats)
"This lecture series will help artists learn to write a professional artists bios, a necessary written component often required for when submitting grants, exhibitions, festivals, performances, and residency applications. The artist statement is also needed to maintain a professional presence on your website and social media accounts"
You can view the archived videos here
There is also a program called "Learning to Look" which is hosted by PACs Program Director & Professor John Cino. Cino gives lectures about art history - covering topics of expressionism, protest art, and more.
"Have you ever wondered why Leonardo’s ‘Last Supper” looks the way it does, or why artists put certain things in still-lifes, or what Picasso was thinking, or why art from other traditions looks so different? This two-part lecture will offer tools for the viewer to better understand the message delivered through works of art. Exploring works from Renaissance, Modern, Asian art, and Africana art, the concepts of symbolism, form, function, and abstraction will be discussed. These lectures will interesting for all art lovers!"
Check out previous and upcoming lectures here.
And of course we had the +|- International Arts Festival which gathered over 300 artists submissions from around the world of all mediums (visual art, music, poetry, and more).
"Working with Co-curators around the world representing USA, Mexico, Russia, Romania, Norway, Poland, and Chile, PAC•MoCA L.I. is connecting artists from creative pockets across the globe and presenting their work for the masses to experience during one of the most unifying events of this millennia."
You can find all of the Instagram posts archieved here, I am also still posting submissions over on the Blue Owl Arts Instagram.
There is a lot more programs going on this summer stay up to date by checking out and following some of these links: